Review: Stillpoint 'Some Lessons Hurt Like The Truths They Contain'

Thursday saw the release of Belfast band Stillpoint’s second E.P. ‘Some Lessons Hurt Like The Truths They Contain.’ Support bands Droids, Window Seats and Deadlights didn’t just make up the numbers with performances of the highest quality, but it was Stillpoint who deservedly stole their own show. Mixing songs from their eponymous first E.P and the new release, the trio showed that they are a force to be reckoned with both locally and further afield.
The E.P. itself is considerably more refined than their debut. Stillpoint seem to have honed their sound into something that is both unique and is still a reflection of their respective influences. Structurally more complex than previous songs ‘Some Lessons...’ exhibits the rapid progression of a band that, less than a year ago, underwent a complete line-up change. ‘Blind Drunk In Sastas’ is a strong opener, setting the tone with its sheer pace and hard hitting lyrics. ‘A Plea For Action’ continues in the same vein of heavy guitar led riffs underpinned by the thudding bass of Jack Courtney, but utilises some well developed dynamics to give the song an altogether different feel from the opener. Chopping and changing from delicate guitar work and vocals to all out mayhem gives the song an edginess that sets it apart on the E.P.
‘Slaves’ combines all the dynamics, catchy vocals and heavy riffs of the first songs but the climax, driven by William Woods’ drumming, shows just how heavy Stillpoint can be. It’s not regurgitated eighties thrash metal either, Stillpoint manage to be heavy without sounding dated or repetitive; something that some more widely known bands are yet to master. ‘I Know What A Monster Looks Like,’ the stand out song on the release, is about as close to a melodic ballad as Stillpoint may ever come. Intricate guitar work and typically crushing vocals from front man David McKendry drives the very ‘Biffy with balls’ highlight. Anthemic chorus ‘You can all get fucked for all I care’ will hardly garner much radio play but Stillpoint wear their hearts on their sleeves and will revel in all the sing alongs they can muster on their upcoming UK tour.
‘Start Fires’ closes the E.P. with the band’s now trademark combination of brutally heavy music and infectiously catchy vocals. In the ilk of Foo Fighters, Sillpoint are a heavy rock band who can be sung along to, and they know how to write a tagline. ‘Some Lessons...’ is a statement of intent from the Belfast trio. They are not a band just out to have fun with a few gigs, they also believe that they can achieve something significant and ‘Some Lessons...’ is an E.P. that shows just how high they’ve set their bar. Ignore it at your peril! 


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