Review: General Fiasco, A Plastic Rose, Yes Cadets

Published BBC ATL

By the time Yes Cadets took to the stage the Stiff Kitten was already approaching capacity and very quickly all eyes were on the stage and all ears bombarded with a barrage of guitar and synths. The band seemed to thrive on the warm reception from the crowd and delivered a strong set laden with infectious choruses, hooks and rhythms reminiscent of the 80s, yet sounded in no way outdated. ‘Canada,’ the highlight of the set, got the most stubborn of toes tapping and epitomised the dancy, light heartedness of music made of good honest fun.

Who better to support N.I’s latest export than a band who could well be our next? Coming off the back of a hugely successful single launch A Plastic Rose blew the crowd away with indie-rock infused mayhem. True to form, Norman and  McHugh were master showmen and quickly had the audience bowing to their commands. Singing along to favourites ‘All You Know…’ and new tune ‘Promises’ the audience fed off the energy that created a link to the band and by the time ‘Kids Don’t Behave Like This’ was blasted out the crowd were powerless to resist. As Norman said ‘You’re going to go mad in a minute…absolutely mental…I promise you.’ He wasn’t far wrong, and left the audience with the distinct impression that they’d just witnessed something special.

Propelling themselves head first into a thrilling set of athems General Fiasco took their places visibly awed by the turnout, but in no way overwhelmed. Every song has the potential to be a hit and why not for the local three-piece? Surely it’s high time this country was associated with more than Snow Patrol and Van Morrison. General Fiasco are the band to shake off this tag and show the world that there’s more to it than they know, that Northern Irish music has balls.

That the three-piece could achieve such a full sound was a little suprising, and testament to the excellent work of Brian on sound. Owen’s vocals as ever were huge, Enda solid on guitar and Leaky’s pounding drums had the crowd near hysterics. ‘Something Sometime,’ ‘We Are The Foolish’, and, of course, ‘Rebel Get By’ are instant hits, but epic new tune ‘Buildings’ could be the making of General Fiasco and is the best song on the night by a mile.


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