Feature: From Colour It In To Wall of Arms - Evolution of The Maccabees
Published Stereoboard.com http://www.stereoboard.com/content/view/161241/9 11-08-10 Little did I know standing in a sweaty, packed out tent at Oxegen a few years ago that the band I was listening to would very soon become one of my favourite bands. I was hugely sceptical of the whole Indie genre having been brought up on a staple diet of rock, metal and blues, but with no other bands on at the same time I had any interest in, I had thought why not. After being dragged to the tent by a friend who had heard these guys were good, I was less than enthusiastic when the five-piece took to the stage. The band conformed to my preconceived idea of five lads in skinny jeans, top shop t shirts, pointy shoes and funny haircuts and I felt myself groan at the thought of being bombarded by the latest in indie offerings. A far cry from my staples of rock and blues, but I forced myself to be open minded and give the band a chance. Very quickly however, my whole attitude changed. Dancy upb...